Page 25 - Nógrád megye 2019
P. 25
Keeper of our treasures”
The “Nogradicum - Keeper of our treasures” is a rich and and emotional catharsis. The most prized part of the folk
ever-expanding repository, where each part is a value on its costume of Őrhalom is the beaded “bonnet”, which shows
own, but placed side by side, they are especially valuable. an incredible unity of meaning and form that is a rare value
Outstanding peaks of the Hungarian and the universal now.
culture: the sight of Szécsény, the experience of the “Easter Th e technique of pierced wood carving is another Nogra-
Gathering in Hollókő”, the contemplation at the Shrine of dicum, just like the Guarding Great Cross of the Palóc, the
Szentkút, a visit to the 20 million year-old “Palóc Pompei”, dances of Rimóc, the many churches, castles and manor
are all lasting experiences. houses, and some of the gastronomic specialities. Th e
Nogradicums are the living cult of Virgin Mary, the memo- bacon-grilling iron is another Nogradicum, which shows
ries of the Hungarian shepherd culture, the Palóc tapestry the genius of the rural workers in the steel factory and their
and embroideries, and the top products of the Nógrád gas- insistence on fried bacon. They created the bacon-grilling
tronomy. iron, and using it, the high-calorie speciality is ready in fi ve
The folk costumes from Kazár, Rimóc, Buják, Érsekvad- minutes. Anyone who has tried this method once will prob-
kert, Lapujtő, and Hollókő provide real visual experience ably insist upon it from then onwards.