Page 29 - Nógrád megye 2019
P. 29
The most important part of Alfa 333 Group Kft.’s business circumstances, and we protect our common business in-
philosophy is the protection of persons and property, as terests as much as possible. In addition to guarding, the
well as their integrity, safeguarding and maintenance. services of Alfa 333 GROUP Kft. include cleaning, organi-
In summary: the people and their security, and the pro- zation of trainings and higher trainings, fire and labour
tection of the companies’ assets are the most important safety services, operation of buildings, on-call, capturing
duties for us. In our day-to-day work, we always keep in and guarding services, and we can also help our clients
mind to fully implement our principles in practice. Our with the delivery of money, values and other shipments,
company is reliable in all respects; it is dynamic, creative and with electronic and mechanical protection.
and, moreover, it is excellently qualified in its profession. Please contact us.
Managers and owners, who have gained experience Alfa 333 Group Kft. works with its own employees,
both in their own country and abroad, manage the com- and does not build on a network of subcontractors.
pany, and continuously monitor the quality of the work. Thanks to our well-trained and reliable security guards,
We flexibly tailor our work processes to the demands and the flexible and professional management, Alfa 333
and interests of our clients, and our financial liquidity is Group Kft. has become one of the largest and most ef-
perfectly balanced. We provide complex services, while ficient security service providers in Nógrád County and
our recruitment and training system is specialized and beyond by now. Our customers vary widely, our special-
of high quality. We are constantly learning, developing ists are present in the various branches of industry, and
and monitoring the international and domestic develop- our well-trained security guards represent our custom-
ment of the profession, and we try to keep up with the ers in the most professional way. The members of the
changes. The quality of our services proves that there is a company’s management have different experience and
fair relationship between our clients, our employees and training, so we are able to provide proper services to our
our company. partners. For us, the customers are the first priority, and
We provide high-quality and high-standard services we tailor our professional plan and its implementation to
at reasonable prices. I am proud to say that we are one their needs.
of the few companies that are loyal to their clients in all