Page 5 - Nógrád megye 2019
P. 5
Ancient elements
in Nógrád
Our stones, our mountains, our waters, our forests. Rock-hole Side of Kishartyán: A hundreds of metres long
and 40-metres high rock wall with exciting caves from
„When the air catches you, sandstone.
and the fire’s strength rages in your veins. Ipolytarnóc, ancient history locked into stones. Th e No-
The earth starts to move under your feet, vohrad-Nógrád Geopark Spiritual Centre welcomes those
and water, coming out of nowhere, suddenly soaks you.” who wish to see prehistoric wonders throughout the year.
Finally, some of our beloved stones and fortresses:
Anna Bajnóczi Somoskő Castle could tell a lot about the Kacsics and
Losonczi families, about Bálint Balassi, the Turks, the Ku-
Our stones guard the power of fire most beautifully. ruc rebels, and about the Treaty of Trianon. In front of it,
The basalt spill consisting of pentagonal and hexagonal the Salgó Castle has inspired Petőfi.
blocks in Somoskő is unbelievably beautiful. Facing the Th e ruins of the county’s name giver, the ancient castle of
unique attraction, we feel as if lava fireworks had magically Nógrád, are still standing.
become stones. And that is exactly what happened 4 mil- The castle of György Szondy in Drégelypalánk tells us sto-
lion years ago. ries about the biggest heroes.
From Somoskő, the rhyolite tufa of Kazár, like the land- The Füleki Castle also serves as a Museum on the other
scape on the moon, the small Hungarian Cappadocia, side of the border.
is only a short distance away. The sight of the specially In addition to the above, two dozen other castles and for-
shaped white-crested waves, like sea turned into stone, tresses are waiting for lovers of historic stones.
welcomes the visitors.