Page 25 - nograd2023
P. 25
Nogradicums - Keeper
of our treasures
Buy the products of Nógrád
The ‘Nogradicums - Keeper of our treasures’ is an ever- the quality products produced in the county. To help the
expanding repository, where each part is a value on its own. local producers reach markets more efficiently, an online
Some of them are the outstanding peaks of the Hungarian marketplace ( has been created, where
culture, such as the town centre of Szécsény, the ‘Easter customers can contact them directly and find up-to-date
Gathering in Hollókő’ or the Shrine of Szentkút. information on its social media page.
Nogradicums are the living cult of Virgin Mary, the Palóc Consuming the products of Nógrád, sold there, is healthy
woven products and embroideries, the folk wear from Ka- and safe, as they are guaranteed to be free of additives and
zár, Buják, Rimóc, Hollókő, and Érsekvadkert, the beaded preservatives. Whether it is honey, cheeses, baked goods,
“headdress” of Őrhalom, the pierced wood carving, the beers, pálinkas, syrups, or pumpkin seed oil. Where do I
Great Guarding Cross of the Palóc, churches, fortresses, find all these and many other treasures? The above internet
castles, gastronomic rarities, and the bacon-grilling iron address helps you find them ( I
of Salgótarján. know you will find everything here.
At the initiative of the county’s local government, a whole If the dear reader visits us in person or just buys from us
movement started with the slogan ‘Buy the products of online, they can already feel like an honorary person of
Nógrád’. It encourages the people, as local patriots, to buy Nógrád. You will see how good it feels.