Page 21 - Nyíregyháza 2019
P. 21
Sporty town We are on the move…
Nyíregyháza has a rich cultural and sports life, while more The county seat is a sporty town with a constantly develop-
and more people are paying attention to healthy living ing sports infrastructure and popular sports programmes.
and the protection of the environment in Nyíregyháza. Major international sport events are being staged in Nyír-
Th e latter two are served by the quick development of egyháza in 2019: a Jet-Ski European Championship race,
the town’s bike path network. From the town centre, Sós- the Visegrad 4 Special Series professional cycling race, and
tógyógyfürdő can be reached by bicycle, and there are the closing race of the Rally EC (ERC) in November.
cosy promenades, fitness parks, and running tracks for The nationwide unique town centre Hübner Beach Vol-
lovers of sports around the Lake. To the delight of cyclists, leyball Championship, the Adidas Streetball Festival,
in addition to the more than 70 kilometre bike path net- organized on the main square, and the traditional large
work of Nyíregyháza, there is also a 30 km continuous cycling events off er sports programmes to thousands of
bike path to Tokaj. people each year. In Nyíregyháza, in addition to numerous
championship competitions, international sports compe-
titions and mass sports events, there are plenty of other
leisure sports available.