Page 23 - Nyíregyháza 2019
P. 23
Town of festivals
In Nyíregyháza, major events and festivals are held in each Outdoor Th eatre, the Sóstó Beer Festival, the Dragon Boat
season. The New Year’s Eve street ball, the traditional New Festival, and the DIY Cauldron Amateur Cooking Compe-
Year’s Concert, and the carnival balls are followed by out- tition offer a lot of fun. Also, the Cantemus Choir Festival
door programmes. and the Nyírség Folk Dance Festival attract many visitors.
The Nyírség Pork Festival and pig-sticker competition At the beginning of autumn, the Vidor Happy Art Festival,
in February is followed by the “Hello Nyíregyháza!” big and then the Tirpak Festival, spice up the life of the town,
spring-greeting event. In May, our sister and partner cit- offering majestic sight, unforgettable gastronomic and cul-
ies introduce themselves during the Town Days series of tural experiences, and great entertainment.
events, and make the town into a colourful cultural mixture. For more information, please visit the official website of the
In summer, in addition to many other programmes, the town:
Open-Air summer in the newly renovated Rose Garden