Page 29 - Nyíregyháza 2019
P. 29

Nyíregyháza kiemelkedő cégeinek bemutatása

                                   In Nyíregyháza for 20 years
         Nyíregyháza for 20 yea

                   Founded in Germany, Hübner GmbH & Co KG is one of the system   vidual government decision) grant of HUF 844,051,000 within the
                   supply companies with the oldest traditions in the field of public   framework of a tender in 2017. As part of an investment with a to-

                   transport vehicle manufacturing. The parent company opened its   tal budget of more than HUF 3.3 billion, we have started building
                   premises on 1st May 1946 in Kassel, Germany.  Hall 4 in 2019, and equipment with world-class technology is pur-
                   The subsidiaries of the worldwide company with more than 3,300   chased. With this expansion, the company has been able to create
                   employees are located in Brazil, the United States, China, South Afri-  125 new jobs.
                   ca, Malaysia and India, and in many European countries such as Hun-  By implementing this investment, the objective of Hübner-H Kft. is
                   gary, Italy, France, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Russia.  to be successful in the international competition by improving the
                                                            quality and productivity of the technology to be applied, to further
                   Continuous development                   develop its rubber production competence and consolidate its
                   Hübner-H Gumi- és Műanyagipari Kft. which employs more than   70-80% market share in the manufacture of bellows in the vehicle
                   820 people currently, has settled in Nyíregyháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-  industry.
                   Bereg County in 1997, and plays a prominent role within the com-
                   pany group by now.                       Our traditions, values
                   In addition to the vestibule systems for articulated buses and rail   In the course of this major development, we have maintained all
                   vehicles, mainly trams and subway cars, our company also devel-  the good traditions of the family business. The new and the old
                   ops the manufacturing of special rubber products such as rubber   employees are happy to participate in the Hübner family days,

                   profiles and rubber frames for the sealing of windows and doors at   the corporate fishing tournaments, hiking trips, and the company

                   a very high rate.                        Christmas lunches.
                   Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology, the Nyiregyháza plant   The Beach Volleyball In The City Amateur Beach Volleyball Champi-
                   of Hübner-H Kft. has become the center of production within the   onship, organized and sponsored by Hübner-H Kft., which gained
                   group and world-wide. All of this necessitated the construction of   national reputation even among the professional beach volleyball
                   a new production hall. The more than 3 billion Forint investment,   players, has been held in the center of Nyíregyháza for the eighth
                   which was completed in October 2013 successfully, enabled tech-  time in 2019.

                   nological modernization and staff increase, while the production   The management of the company is proud to provide the employ-
                   area has also been enlarged.             ees with clean and safe conditions for quality work.
                   In 2016, by acquiring the industrial sites in the immediate vicin-  It is a special pleasure to develop together with the town of Nyír-
                   ity of the company, a total of 200,000 square meters of industrial   egyháza, and regularly support this development with our success-
                   space are now available to us for further investment to meet the   ful management. Our company is highly committed to support
                   increased needs of our domestic and international customers.  sports activities and cultural programs, as well as social responsibil-
                   Hübner-H Kft. has won a non-refundable EKD (awarded by indi-  ity and the protection of the environment in the region.

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