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Aquarius Nyíregyháza
Experiences at the highest level!
In the capital of Nyírség, the spa culture is based on a cen- many guests who come for prevention and then spend a few
turies-old tradition. The spas and swimming pools of Nyír- days in the most modern Aquarius Spa Medicine Centre.
egyháza are visited by half a million people each year to get Our guests visit us to enjoy the water, even those who do not
healthy, to recharge their batteries, or just to relax. Do not necessarily arrive for its healing properties. All age groups
miss out on this experience! have fun in the water! It is no surprise that a large number
The Aquarius Experience Spa and Spa Medicine Centre of families choose the Aquarius Experience Spa; a fabulous
awaits its guests in Sóstógyógyfürdő, in the embrace of a children’s world welcomes the little ones, a spa pool full of
huge oak forest, in the resort area of Nyíregyháza. Th e spa experience elements offers great relaxation in the thermal
complex, which has achieved a 5-star rating in its category, world, and the experience world is full of adventures thanks
can be visited every day of the year. Primarily, people who to the water curtain, the kamikaze slide, and the wave pool!
seek relief from rheumatic, musculoskeletal, and some If you wish to stay for several days, the four-star Hun-
gynaecological diseases in the water containing sodium guest Hotel Sóstó is your best choice! It is the only hotel
chloride, iodine, and bromine, visit our spa. In addition to in Sóstógyógyfürdő whose guests can walk directly to the
the healing power of the water, many other balneotherapy Aquarius Experience Spa through a closed corridor all year
services are available to the guests, because, thanks to the round, without having to buy a separate entrance ticket, to
treatments, the pain is relieved or eliminated, the infl am- enjoy the pampering services of the five-star spa world.
mation is reduced, and the mobility is improved. Th ere are • nyíregyháza