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More than 25 years              Decades of sustained growth
                     of developing                   A sign of our continuous development is the fact that HÜBNER Hungary,
                     together                        which now employs more than 850 people, has become the largest sub-
                                                     sidiary of the globally present HÜBNER Group, thanks to its state-of-art
                     with Nyíregyháza                technologies.
                                                     Now a total of 230,000 square meters of industrial space is available for fur-
                                                     ther investment to meet the increased demands of the domestic and interna-
                     Founded in 1946 in Germany,
                                                     tional customers. By continuously implementing developments, the purpose
                     HÜBNER Group is one of the      of HÜBNER-H Kft. is to be able to participate successfully in the international
                     system supplier companies       competition by improving the quality of the applicable technology and the
                     with the oldest traditions in the   productivity, to further develop its rubber production competence, and to
                     field of public transport vehicle   consolidate its 70 to 80% worldwide market share of bellows and gangway
                                                     systems produced for the buses and rail vehicles.
                                                     Since 2023, with the smooth commissioning of a new state-of-art mixing line
                                                     and the start of the production of rubber compounds, the sales to external
                     With regard to the global
                                                     partners has begun also at the premises in Nyíregyháza. We are proud that
                     company, HÜBNER-H Kft. –        through our work we are meeting our customers’ high expectations while cre-
                     founded in 1997 and             ating value for sustainable and safe public transport and thereby contributing
                     headquartered in Szabolcs-      to a greener future.
                     Szatmár-Bereg County –, plays a
                     prominent role. The main profile   Shared successes, shared values
                     of the HÜBNER-H Kft. factory in
                     Nyíregyháza is the production of   Throughout our significant development, we have consistently preserved
                                                     the values and traditions of our family business.
                     gangway systems for articulated
                                                     Corporate events – such as family days, Christmas lunches, fishing competi-
                     buses and rail vehicles, as well
                                                     tions and hiking trips – not only foster a close-knit community but also estab-
                     as various rubber products such   lish a solid foundation for HÜBNER-H Kft.’s commitment to provide a stable
                     as rubber profiles and rubber   and supportive environment as an employer. The management is proud to
                     frames for the sealing of window   ensure the employees organized, clean and safe conditions for quality work,
                                                     as well as grant the opportunity to participate in various health-promoting
                     and door systems. HÜBNER is a
                                                     programs that support their well-being.
                     financially stable, internationally   It is a special pleasure to develop together with the town of Nyíregyháza, and
                     renowned family business,       regularly support this progress with our efficient economic management.

                     which is continuously growing   HÜBNER Hungary’s corporate social responsibility focuses primarily on
                                                     sports, culture, health, and the arts. We are also particularly committed to
                     year by year.
                                                     supporting the protection of the environment. We would like to give back
                                                     from our successes to the city, the region, and the people who live here,
                                                     therefore we tailor our support activities to local needs. The best proof of
                                                     this is our long-standing successful cooperation with the Hübner-Nyíregy-
                                                     háza Blue Sharks basketball team, the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Te-
                                                     aching Hospital, the Sóstó Museum Village, and the Móricz Zsigmond The-
                                                     atre. Additionally, we proudly organize and sponsor the Beach Volleyball In
                                                     The City amateur beach volleyball championship, which is regularly held in
                                                     the heart of Nyíregyháza.
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