Page 19 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 2019
P. 19
From Barabás to Túrricse,
among forests and pastures
Those who travel here should not look for mountains, al- willow, poplar, ash, and elm, hornbeam and oak forests, and
though we have the Kaszonyi Hill, the island volcano on the alder marshland forests are found, while hikers in late Feb-
Ukrainian-Hungarian border in Bereg. This is the highest ruary can admire the purple carpet of the Carpathian Saf-
point of the county with its height of 240 meters above the fron at their feet. Before leafing, the snowdrops, the spring
sea level. Basically, the tangled network of former riverbeds snowfl ake, the Gagea spathacea and the Scilla kladnii, and
in Szatmár-Bereg gives home to marsh and moorland com- in April, the wild garlic is scenting the air to the delight of
munities. Due to the destruction of the former fl oodplain lovers of nature. The special features of the area are the for-
forests, the river regulation, and the partial drainage of the mer fl oodplain or “jungle orchards”, which have preserved
marshy-swampy areas, now patches of forests, meadows, the features of many ancient, local fruit varieties as natural
and pastures characterize the landscape. In the fl oodplains, gene banks.