Page 15 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 2019
P. 15
The natural
wonders of Nyírség
As a result of the regulation of the River Tisza, this area has ancient swamp has one of the richest and most diverse fl ora
changed significantly. Although the floodplain forests have and fauna in Hungary. One can only enter the area with per-
diminished, some beautiful hiking places have developed. mission. Th e flora and fauna of the pre-ice age and the times
These include the Sóstó forest, between Nyíregyháza and aft erwards can be admired with an offi cial escort, while one
Sóstógyógyfürdő which is a paradise for sports enthusiasts: must not leave the designated nature trail. Great tourist des-
excellent facilities for running, cycling, and fi tness training tinations are the Floodplain of Tiszadob, the White Salty
are provided. The forest reserve of Bakta is a fairyland - es- Lake of Tiszavasvári, the Tiszatelek-Tiszabercel Floodplain,
pecially in its autumn splendour or the lilies of the valley in the Mohos Lake in Kállósemjén, and the Vaja Lake or the
the spring - and Harangod, the hilly, wooded parkland near Fényi Forest nature reserves.
Nagykálló and its 75-hectare artifi cial lake make this place
especially att ractive. szatmarbereg/oldal/a-felso-tisza-videk-es-a-nyirseg-ter-
htt p:// meszeti-latnivaloi
Just 40 km from Nagykálló, near the border, the Bátorliget