Page 23 - szabolcs24
P. 23

Route: Nagykálló – Kállósemjén – Pócspetri – Máriapócs
                     – Nyírbátor – Nyírbogát – Nyírmihálydi – Szakoly –
                     Balkány – Biri – Nagykálló
                     Length of the tour: 74 km

                     On this tour, we will visit the Nyírség and admire heritage
                     sites and monuments, which are important historical and
                     sacred memorial sites of Hungary, as well as art historical
                     monuments of great importance. We make most of the
                     single-day tour on bike paths, and, in some sections, on

                     side roads with low traffic. On the tour, we can visit the
                     Greek Catholic Cathedral of Máriapócs, which is one of
                     the most important places of pilgrimage in the Carpathian   South Nyírség

                     Basin. The Reformed Church of Nyírbátor, which is also
                     recognized internationally, is one of the most signifi cant   circular route
                     monuments of the late Gothic and early Renaissance art

                     history of Hungary. The baroque altars in the Minorite
                     church in Nyírbátor are nationally recognized values of   Bike tour between
                     art. Although only part of the original castle survived, Bá-
                     thori Castle is one of the most important memorial sites of   prominent historical
                     the Hungarian Renaissance. If we visit the István Báthori   memorial sites and
                     Museum, we get to know the legendary past of the Báthori

                     family. The mansion in Kállósemjén, the former estate   heritage sites in Nyírség
                     centre of the Kállays, gives us an insight into the history of

                     the Kállay family. The name of Pócspetri may also sound
                     familiar; this village was accused of collective guilt due to
                     the events in 1948.

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