Page 19 - szabolcs24
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Route: Kölcse – Sonkád – Csaholc – Túrricse – Gacsály over the past years. A large part of the route runs along the
– Zajta – Rozsály – Méhtelek – Garbolc – Nagyhódos – low-traffic, romantic roads of the Szatmár-Bereg landscape
Kishódos – Magosliget – Uszka – Tiszabecs – Tiszacsécse protection area, as well as on the embankments along of
– Tiszakóród – Kölcse the Túr and Tisza rivers. On this tour, fi ve litt le-known, but
Length of the tour: 90 km incredibly spectacular medieval churches can be admired
in Kölcse, Sonkád, Túrricse, Gacsály and Zajta. Aft er visit-
The bike touring route explores Erdőhát in Szatmár, a litt le- ing the Hungarian-Ukrainian-Romanian triple border at
known corner of the Upper Tisza region. Erdőhát in Szat- Garbolc, we can cycle on the asphalt embankment of the Túr,
már is the area between Tiszahát and Szamoshát, where and then, at Tiszabecs, we choose the high-quality asphalt
many interesting, but little-known medieval churches are embankment of the Tisza, and ride all the way to Tisza-
found. The historical values of these churches, the wall csécse, the native village of Zsigmond Móricz, where we
paintings, the medieval works of art, and the decorations can see the Móricz memorial house. At the end of the tour,
from the Reformation era came to light as a result of monu- we visit the Túr Overflow Dam at the confluence of the
ment conservation restorations and restorers’ research Tisza and the Túr rivers.
The unknown
Bike tour in Erdőhát