Page 7 - Bács-Kiskun megye
P. 7

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                   Colourful, funny, unique, captivating, close to people   you ever rowed a boat on the Sugovica? If not, visit
                   - these are the hallmarks of the events in Bács-Kiskun   Szeremle, where the locals, to maintain centuries-old
                   County. If you visit us, it is worth scheduling your trip   traditions, sit in decorated boats at Pentecost. The Fe-
                   to coincide with one of our events and immerse yourself   hértone Festival in July should not be missed from the
                   in the county lifestyle of Bács-Kiskun. If you like food   young people’s bucket list, where a real lakeside festival
                   and special, authentic meals, join the Baja Fish Cook-  atmosphere waits for them. The Kodály Festival in
                   ing Festival, the Goose Festival of Kiskunfélegy-  Kecskemét is built on our cultural heritage, where the
                   háza, the Sheep Cooking Competition in Kun-  audience interested in classical music can choose from
                   szentmiklós, or the Bácsalmás Peoples - Taste   concerts, piano evenings, and other performances. The
                   Day which preserves the traditions of Bácska. We cel-  tradition-preserving Day of Ancestors and Cultur-
                   ebrate our fruity wines with the St. Urban Day Wine   al Countryside event in Bugac, where everything is
                   Festival in the Cellar Village of Hajós, which boasts   about our ancestors, enjoys nationwide popularity.

                   1,200 cellars, an impressive figure even in Europe. Have

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