Page 9 - Bács-Kiskun megye
P. 9
The magical places of nature, the mysterious swamps, Places for fishing and relaxation
the dormant dead channels, the hidden clearings, and Great tranquillity on the banks of the lakes and rivers,
the salt lakes with unique flora and fauna all attract hik- where the hearts of the passionate anglers beat to the
ers and lovers of nature to Bács-Kiskun County. The same rhythm at the crack of dawn when the sun rises,
diverse landscape of the plains captures the hikers in an exhilarating experience when they see the true face
a blink of an eye, who can roam across the captivating of our county. They find here everything they need to
landscape of our county on cool waters, windy hills, pursue their hobby. Well-equipped fishing parks in
winding trails, and endless roads. The Kiskunság Na- Akasztó and Kelebia, the Danube and Sugovica in
tional Park preserves the memory of how people and Baja, a 14-hectare artificial lake system in Bácsalmás,
nature have been living together for hundreds of years the largest freshwater marshland in Izsák, in the Tur-
at the Danube-Tisza Interfluve. Nature trails, geological ján region, Lake Kolon, and the Sóstó Park Forest in
demonstration sites, and forest schools show the visi- Kiskunhalas are waiting, not just for anglers, but also
tors the natural values and the traditions rooted in the for those who wish to relax, recharge their batteries,
use of the landscape. and take a quiet dip in the water.