Page 15 - Békéscsaba 2019
P. 15

Local gastronomy                                         

                   The Csaba sausage                        the gastronomic products of the region can be found. In ad-

                   The Csaba sausage is one of Hungary’s most well-known   dition to the famous Csaba sausage, other local delicacies
                   gastronomic food specialities that is even popular abroad.   can be bought here, such as:

                   The original Csaba sausage is traditionally made in Békés-

                   csaba, by families of Békéscsaba. The recipe of the tradi-  Brindza
                   tional Csaba sausage has been passed down from father to   Brindza is a traditional Slovakian food. After the World War,

                   son, through generations for over a hundred years. In Békés-  there was a shortage of ewe’s milk as a traditional raw mate-
                   csaba, there are as many houses as there are kinds of sau-  rial, and therefore, it became rather expensive. At that time,
                   sages.                                   the people of Csaba started to make brindza from cow’s
                                                            milk. In the entire Carpathian Basin, Békéscsaba is the only

                   The recipe of the Csaba sausage:         place where brindza is made from cow’s milk.
                   •  10 kg of mixed pork meat (leg of pork, shoulder, collar,
                     pork belly, trimmings, about 70-75% meat and 25-30%   Cigánka
                     bacon)                                 Cigánka is perhaps the most special pork meal in Csaba. It
                   •  150 g of sweet ground red pepper      was named in the 19th century when the farmers of Csaba,
                   •  100 g of hot ground red pepper        who did not eat the pig’s liver, gave it to the begging Gypsy
                   •  180 g of salt                         women (cigánka). Several recipes of the cigánka are known,
                   •  70 g of garlic                        but the common ingredients are sausage meat, pork liver,
                   •  30 g of caraway seeds                 and caul fat. It depends on the particular family concerned
                                                            whether they add eggs or rice, or enrich the recipe with
                   Market                                   soaked rolls.

                   The market and the market hall play a central role in the
                   community life of Békéscsaba and the region, and are where

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