Page 11 - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye 2021
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The Szár Hill, above Sátoraljaújhely, is a unique historical open it” – announced the historic county Borsod its inten-
monument which proclaims that we will never forget what tion in a lett er written to the royalty counsel. The old theatre
happened in Trianon. The Hungarian Calvary pays homage to building burned down in the fi re of Miskolc in 1843; the
the detached parts and towns of the country over the divided cornerstone of the new, modern theatre was placed in 1847.
city. The 100th National Flag was inaugurated on the hill in Moreover, nothing proves the main cultural role of Miskolc
1934, which showed from a distance that the country would better than the Bartók+ Opera Festival, which made Miskolc
be united again. Entering through the decorative gate, a foot- the first opera festival town of Hungary.
path leads up to the hilltop, along which 14 “stations” remind Celebrating the 90th anniversary of its opening this year, Hotel
us of the history of suffering in the mutilated Hungary. Th e Palota is not only the jewel of Lillafüred, but it also aspired to
St. Stephen’s Chapel made the memorial whole. Th e Calvary be shown in movie theatres: it served as one of the locations
became complete with the Centenary Turul Statue, which was for the film “Dream Car”. The beautiful surroundings also
inaugurated in 2020 on the 100th anniversary of the peace touched poet Attila József; his poem “Ode” was inspired by the
treaty; the Prime Minister also attended the event. magical sight of the waterfall. If we walk through the Hanging
We have the first stone theatre of modern-day Hungary! Trav- Garden under the Hotel, we will find the entrance of the Anna
elling theatre troupes played in Miskolc from the beginning Cave, and see the statue of Attila József on the way. Moreover,
of the 1800s. As they left the town, the citizens decided to while walking there, we will see the Lillafüred Waterfall, the
build their own permanent stone theatre: “...In Miskoltz, the largest vertically falling waterfall in Hungary with a height of
Hungarian-speaking agricultural town in the middle of the twenty metres.
countryside, we wish to build a permanent playhouse and