Page 15 - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye 2021
P. 15
Miracles created by Nature
An artificial lake, the Lázbérc Reservoir, is located between The “El Camino” of Central Europe, the Mary Route, also pass-
the rocky cliffs of the Uppony Valley. The collected water is es through Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, such as the Blue
fed by the Bán and Csernely streams, and the clean water pro- Tour (Kéktúra), which is one of the longest hiking trails of
vides a drinking water supply for hundreds of thousands of Hungary. The Mary Route connects our nation’s sacred places
people. The reservoir is one of the largest in Northern Hun- that are associated with the Virgin Mary into the bloodstream
gary, created by closing the valley of the Bán stream during of the European pilgrimage. Th e more than 1,400-kilometre
1967 and 1968. Th e artifi cial lake has been playing an im- road between Csíksomlyó in Szeklerland and Mariazell in
portant role in the life of the area since then. Its territory is Austria can be completed on foot or by bicycle.
part of the Lázbérc Landscape Protection Area, established The other nationally renowned route that runs through the
in 1975, which is the first such protected area in Northern county is the National Blue Tour. It runs through the northern
Hungary. The lake is very popular, and although swimming areas of Hungary, currently from Írott-kő to Hollóháza. Th is
is not allowed, shore fishing is possible on a seasonal basis. is not only the first long-distance tourist hiking trail of Hun-
The most well-known attraction of Nyékládháza is the lake gary, but also of Europe. The Hungarian Hiking Association
system created as a result of gravel mining; the two largest recognizes the completion of the National Blue Tour with a
lakes are Lake Gólem and Lake Debrecen, although Lake hiker’s badge. The currently about 1,100 km-long hiking trail,
István, which is connected to the latter, is also popular among that crosses Hungary, has a length of 247.8 km in our county,
tourists. In addition to the swimming and cycling tourists, and touches several regions.
the lake system also offers a pleasant stay for anglers. Th e
lakes of Nyék constitute the second largest still water body
in Hungary, with 40 million cubic meters of water, as Lake
Velence has only 30 million m3 on average.