Page 17 - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye 2022
P. 17
in the north
Do you remember the chocolates Melody, Cat Tongue, the miller’s wafers. The biscuit was developed from the
or Castle? Th ese flavours all originate from our county, sacred wafer used in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic
from a town called Szerencs. The history of the Szerencs Church. The wafers are made using a round, scissor-like
Chocolate dates back to 1923. That was the year when the baking iron; each iron is different, with its own unique mo-
chocolate factory opened its gates. Due to the excellent tif and text. In 2012, the miller’s cake of Borsodnádasd was
quality, its products quickly became popular through- added to the National List of Spiritual Cultural Heritage.
out Hungary and abroad. The Szerencs Chocolate is an The apricot from Gönc is the fruit of the northernmost
Outstanding National Value and has been added to the fruit-growing region of Hungary; this apricot is grown in
Hungarian Repository of Values. Gönc and in more than 40 villages of our county. Th e har-
The ravioli with potato stuffing from Csernely dates back vest is started in June to make mouth-watering jam, apricot
to the 1800’s. The daughters of the village learned the brandy, fragrant compote, or dried fruit. Th e Gönc Apricot
recipe from their great-grandmothers and passed on this Brandy “Pálinka” is an Outstanding National Value, which
tradition from generation to generation. Its special fl avour was added to the Hungarian Repository of Values.
is given by the mashed potatoes, the homemade cott age Our county is proud to grow black, short-stemmed and
cheese, and the homemade fat they use. Th is gastronomic heart-shaped cherries; the juice paints the lips black. Its
speciality, added to the County’s Repository of Values, taste is as sweet as honey, and due to its special aromatic
already has its own festival, which is organized each sum- flavour, it is one of the most delicious cherry varieties. Th e
mer to bring the fame of this special dish that is said to be short-stemmed black cherry from Szomolya was added to
“the strength of the lads”, to far-away lands. the County’s Repository of Values.
The living folk tradition of Borsodnádasd is the baking of