Page 23 - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye 2022
P. 23
People we are proud of
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén not only has a magical natural anniversary of the birth of Ferenc Kazinczy, the Hungarian
environment, a unique cultural past and many historical Academy of Sciences purchased the garden of the man-
places, but many public figures, statesmen, scientists, and sion in Széphalom, where the Museum of the Hungarian
world-famous sports people were born in this wonderful Language was opened in 2008. The modern and imposing
region. Some of the people we are proud of! building of the institution, which is unique in Europe, is of
One of the most important figures of Hungarian history, modern design yet fits in with the surrounding landscape
Lajos Kossuth, was born in Monok in 1802. He was elect- and houses three exhibition spaces, a bookstore, a semi-
ed an honorary citizen by many towns and villages aft er nar room and a lecture hall. The permanent exhibition
he had lost his Hungarian citizenship. His fi rst full-fi gure presenting the past, the present, and the hopeful future of
statue was inaugurated on the Erzsébet Square in Miskolc the Hungarian language was completed on 23 October,
in 1898. According to oral traditions, Kossuth was not 2009, and since then it presents the development of our
born in Monok, but in Olaszliszka, while his father and his language and gives an idea of the regional varieties and its
pregnant mother were on their way home from an offi cers’ present-day versions using modern sound and visual ele-
meeting in Sátoraljaújhely. There is a Kossuth memorial ments. This as an enjoyable and educational experience
house in Olaszliszka and a memorial museum in Monok. for everyone.
Francis Rákóczi II was born in Borsi (now Borša in Slo-
vakia) in Zemplén County in 1676. The family fi rst lived
in the castles of Munkács, Sárospatak, and Regéc, then
moved to their castle in Munkács in 1680. Th e county
government established the Rákóczi Necklace Award as
a symbol of respect for the prince.
Ferenc Kazinczy was born in Érsemjén (now Șimian in
Romania) in 1759. Kazinczy is known as the leading fi gure
in the history of literature and the renewal of the Hungar-
ian language. Széphalom owes its fame to him, because he
started building his house there in 1794. On the 100th