Page 7 - Csongrád 2021
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Our built heritages
Csongrád-Csanád County offers unparalleled architectural The remaining church ruins from the era of the Árpád dynas-
and cultural gems to those who wish to discover them. Th e ty, the kun hills, or the windmill are excellent places to make
county’s historical past and architectural features allow it to excursions to. The region’s archaeological find of European
successfully exploit the potentials of cultural, religious, and significance is the small statue of the Sarlós-god, which was
heritage tourism. The Art Nouveau style, which permeated found in the highly protected Szegvár-Tűzköves area. Th ere
the Hungarian architecture at the turn of the century, can still are castles of many noble families in the county, such as the
be found today, and these unique works of art were created, Gerliczy castle in Deszk or Károlyi castle in Nagymágocs.
among others, by Ödön Lechner and Marcell Komor. Probably Ópusztaszer is one of the most famous places of
The old churches, with their warm atmosphere, in the towns the county. The National Historical Memorial Park, estab-
and villages of the Southern Great Plain remind us of the an- lished to commemorate the Hungarian conquest, and the
cient past, and with their towers reaching the sky, they att ract monumental Feszty cyclorama, its most important att rac-
visitors from afar. The town of Csongrád, the former county tion, offers an unforgettable experience and is a very famous
seat, still preserves the objects of fishing, which used to be tourist destination.
a popular occupation. In many towns and villages, country
houses preserve the folk architecture which used to charac-
terise the region.