P. 9
Our still living
Rábaköz is one of the typical small regions of the Kisalföld the wood carvers and pott ers. The folk wood carving is an
with a very diverse folk tradition. The local embroidery, outstanding branch of art. Th e patterns of the woodcarv-
known all over the world, is closely connected with the ing tradition of Rábaköz are characterized by tendrils, as
folk costumes, because it makes the costumes so ornate well as by varied plant-type floral and leaf decorations,
and beautiful. which make the surfaces beautiful. The motifs are now
During the 17th and 18th centuries, most of the embroi- used on ornamental objects as well.
dered home textiles came from Rábaköz, so they were The roots of the pottery of Csorna originate from the
named after this region: stitched products of Rábaköz. Th e nearby pottery village of Dör, where the handicraft has
lace from Hövej is also part of the Hungarian cultural heri- a centuries-old history. The development of pott ery was
tage. Generations of skilful women living in the village had also affected by external influences. Yet, the kind of pott ery
developed this technique of embroidery over 150 years, typical of Csorna has developed here within a few decades.
with the knowledge being passed down from mother to We just need to see the beauties of the landscape, the his-
daughter. This was how the lace, with its extremely diverse torical monuments, the traditions, and the art of Rábaköz
shapes and patterns, the one we know today, was born. to start loving them.
The old handicraft industry is still being made famous by