Page 13 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 2019
P. 13
In the mansions of
princes and lords
In Vaja, just 20 km north of Nyírbátor, is the only Renais- Arriving in Szatmár County, we should spend some time
sance castle of the Great Plain. Vay Castle was built in the in Nagyar, in the Castle of the “Rose King”, especially when
first half of the 17th century and quickly became part of the roses are already scenting the air in the beautiful garden
Hungarian history. The Great Prince, Francis II Rákóczi, of the Luby Castle. Its building, reconstructed in modern
visited it twice during the War of Independence, and today, style, can also be a destination for class excursions.
permanent exhibitions show the past at the venues of im- htt ps://
portant meetings. htt ps:// Th e Kölcsey-Kende mansion stands in the Szamoshát re-
Vásárosnamény, the centre of Bereg is only a few steps from gion, in the south. The castle in Cégénydányád was renovat-
here. The castle of the noblemen, who used to live here, the ed to mirror its beauty in 1913. Th e castle off ers permanent
Tomcsányi Castle, now functions as a museum. Th e Bereg exhibitions on the history of the Kende family, the noble
Museum houses and guards nearly 40,000 ethnographic, life and gastronomy of the noble court, nature conservation
archaeological and historical objects, embroidery, woven and the natural values of Szatmár-Bereg County.
fabrics, and artistic iron castings and collections.
htt p:// szatmarbereg/oldal/cegenydanyad-kolcsey-kende-kastely