Page 9 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 2019
P. 9
The historical main
street of Nyírség
Not far from the county seat - if you head south - you will Carpathian Basin. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims visit
find a beautifully restored mansion, the former residence of the Church of the Virgin Mary, whose picture shed tears
the Kállay family in Kállósemjén. The family has been pres- three times, in the hope of miraculous healing or with a de-
ent in Hungarian history since the 13th century; their histo- sire for spiritual fulfi lment.
ry is presented in an exhibition in eight rooms. Th e Baroque History is revived in nearby Nyírbátor. The most remark-
Kállay mansion was built around 1763 by the Italian archi- able treasure of the small Conventual Church at the en-
tect Salvator Aprilis, the former County Hall’s architect, at trance of the town is the Passion or Krucsay altar, which is
the request of the Kállay family. Prime Minister Miklós Kál- of outstanding cultural and historical importance. Th e huge
lay spent his summers here with his family and established a late Gothic Reformed church is proud to have one of the
model farm of national importance at the beginning of the oldest and largest wooden bell towers in Hungary. Th e two
18th century. churches are connected by a town history promenade: stat-
In this direction, we should continue our journey to Mári- ues and groups of statues depict the legends of the town and
apócs, one of the most important pilgrimage sites of the the cult of the dragon.