Page 5 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 2019
P. 5
„Welcome to Fairy Field!”
I would not have thought! - we hear from the guests who Tisza region. Th e Route of Medieval Churches is proud
arrive from faraway lands, or return to this area after a long to own the “Excellent European Destination” award; it in-
time. They are amazed and surprised, and then return home cludes 65 churches and provides the “backbone” of the
to come back with another group within a short time, or county’s attractions. During multi-day tours, we recom-
promise to pass on this message: Fairy Field is wonderful! mend that you visit them broken down into small themes
This is great news! The walls are starting to break down, and to get to know Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where
the prejudices are fi nally forgott en! After all, neat villages excellent village accommodation, great hotels, very good
full of fl owers, friendly people, and many things to be dis- restaurants and village women who cook with their hearts
covered wait for the tourists in the Upper Tisza region. Me- wait for you. All of these are complemented by wonderful
dieval churches like tiny jewellery boxes; earth, stone and possibilities for cyclists: long and well-built, high-quality
brick fortresses; castles; mansions; memorials of eminent cycle routes across dams, along low-traffi c roads, through
literary and historical figures; folk traditions and many natu- close-knit towns and villages, and into tiny villages with
ral wonders. Lush islands formed by rivers, dead branches, valuable treasures.
romantic waterways, diverse flora and fauna. Th e att ractions Let’s see the potential programmes for one-day or multi-day
beyond the borders, in Transcarpathia or in the Partium are trips.
part of the same heritage, such as the cross-border thematic;
route, which is now a great tourist attraction in the Upper