Page 7 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 2019
P. 7
The youthful and
inclusive Nyíregyháza
When guests arrive at the county seat, they are right in the at the end of each summer. The past and the present are
centre of Nyírség. One of the largest Lutheran churches of intertwined in the county seat. Its buildings are constantly
the country with rich neo-baroque and Louis Seize-style in- refurbished, taking the aspects of the town’s image, the city
terior paintings is found in Nyíregyháza. In the town centre, architecture, and monument protection into consideration.
the neo-Renaissance Town Hall, the Hotel Korona with a Th e Rózsakert (Rose Garden) Open-Air Th eatre has been
neo-Baroque atmosphere, the Neo-Romanesque Roman renewed in a manner which preserves the features of its
Catholic Cathedral, the Takarékpalota (Saving Bank’s Pal- original style to enrich the cultural life of Nyíregyháza and
ace) and the Nyírvíz Palace built in the early 1900s, and the the county with summer night performances.
County Hall designed by Ignác Alpár are the most impor- Sóstógyógyfürdő is developing in close cooperation with
tant buildings of the eclectic main square. The Cathedral is the town, and offers tourists more and more hotel and ac-
often a venue for classical music concerts, while during the commodation. Its Spa bath and Zoo are of high European
VIDOR Festival, musical and theatre programmes, street standard.
theatre, and jugglers occupy the main square for one week