Page 17 - tolna megye 2023
P. 17
Bogyiszló is famous for its peppers. After the fl oodplain had
been cleared of forests, the hot peppers and paprika could
be cultivated in their place under excellent conditions. Tolna
has a similar situation, where the Chili Drops, developed in
2010, have become a product of real success and recognition.
In Hungary, Bogyiszló is the only place where such a natural
end product, this extremely economical high-strength es-
sence, can be produced. József Szilágyi, the inventor of the Countryside
drops, who died in 2016, said: “Gigantic force in a tiny vial,
scorches like a cascade of fire, yet a real taste orgy for the lov- that
ers of hot fl avours.”
Szekszárd is more than good wine, as the town’s slogan says.
The “márc of Szekszárd” is made of syrup, honey, and sugar can be
and it is free from artificial additives. For centuries, it was a
popular soft drink; it was made and sold by the gingerbread
makers. This beekeeping by-product used to be very famous; “tasted”
some beekeepers paid their taxes with it.
The pie known as “Rákóczi-túrós” (Rákóczi’s cake with cot-
tage cheese) became immensely popular in 1958, which
made the name of the maker, who was born in Alsóleperd,
Dombóvár immortal. This pie is still very popular, not only
because of its sweet and sour taste, but because it does not
require any special ingredients. Even the simplest kitchens
of Hungary have the ingredients: flour, sugar, eggs, cott age
cheese, sour cream, apricot jam. János Rákóczi (1897-1966),
who travelled around the world and gained success, became
the master chef of Gundel restaurant in the Hotel Gellért,