Page 21 - tolna megye 2023
P. 21
The healing water
which is rich in mineral salts, hydrocarbonates, and has a high
The holiday resort district was named after the former goose salt content. It is also suitable for the treatment of locomotor
lake. The water is excellent for treating musculoskeletal disor- and gynaecological complaints and skin diseases.
ders, gastrointestinal disorders, gynaecological, gingival and PAKS
oral diseases, and it is also effective in treating certain respira- The main profile of the new Medical Centre of Paks is treat-
tory, cardiovascular conditions and dermatological problems. ment with thermal water and the connected spa treatment.
The medicinal water rich in salt and chloride has an excellent
The pools of the thermal spa are fed by a hot spring with a anti-infl ammatory effect and is therefore recommended for
temperature of 51°C, which bubbles up from 2,000 metres the treatment of locomotor disorders and certain dermato-
and contains sodium chloride and bicarbonate. Its compo- logical conditions, and it is also excellent for treating certain
sition can be very beneficial in the treatment of limb joint gynaecological and urological infl ammations.
cartilage degradation, the so-called degenerative lesions, and TENGELIC
of spinal and hip joint osteoarthritis. Near Paks, the medicinal water of Hotel Orchidea, which can
be easily accessed from the M6 motorway, has great healing
Beneath the castle hill of the small town along the Danube, effects; the saline (chloride) mineral water contains at least
a long and beautiful stretch of riverside welcomes visitors. A 1000 mg of minerals per litre. It is recommended for the treat-
little further north, under the bridge-head of the Danube, ment of chronic rheumatic diseases, as well as of urological
the new indoor spa and open-air swimming pool is located. and gynaecological infl ammatory diseases and infertility.
The pools’ water is fed by high-quality mineral water of 35°C,