Page 17 - Bács-Kiskun megye
P. 17

                   TASTE THEM!


                   2 out of the 3 wine regions of the Great Plain are located   most important varieties are: Chardonnay, Rhine Ries-
                   in our county; almost half of the national grape quan-  ling, Cserszegi Fűszeres, Welschriesling, Blaufränkisch,
                   tity is produced here. The Kunság wine region com-  Zweigelt, Portugieser, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvi-
                   prises the area between the rivers Danube and Tisza,   gnon, and Kadarka. Recently, many of the county’s win-
                   and two-thirds of the wine produced from the grapes   eries have been modernized, offering fresh and fruity
                   grown here is sold as table wine and regional wine. The   wines – both world-renowned varieties and special
                   most important varieties are: Ezerjó, Kövidinka, Arany   Hungaricums, alike. Our tasty wines of soft character
                   Sárfehér, Kadarka, Blaufränkisch, and Irsai Olivér. 15   and intense scent can be tasted during wine tours, wine
                   towns and villages belong to the Hajós-Baja Wine   nights, wine festivals, and wine dinners. The Hungarian
                   Region. Thanks to the excellent soil and the fl at area,   nation’s number one drink, the pálinka (fruit spirit),
                   the suddenly falling higher amounts of rainwater does   can also be sipped at many places where renowned dis-

                   not flow from the area, and, as a result, more water-  tilleries offer their strong drinks.
                   intensive wine grape varieties can be grown here. The

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