Page 23 - borsod24
P. 23
Are you coming?
Well, dear adventurer! Now that you have reached the last • büszke, köszméte - gooseberry
page of the Lands of Borsod, you can already appreciate the • canga - bicycle, bike
varied, beautiful and memorable adventure Borsod-Abaúj- • cibak - loaf, bread
Zemplén County invites you to. Now that you have taken • csélcsap - rogue, scoundrel
this imaginary trip, you only need to find your biggest back- • csesznye - unviable, scraggy
pack or suitcase. Pack lots of changes of clothes and set out • csiborászik - selecting aszú grapes
on your journey, because this county is not only att ractive • csikarás - scratch
on paper, and it does not only look good on the colourful • cula - stuff , clothes
and shiny pages. Come and experience all of this with your • csurka, csuri - ponytail
own soul. • dikó - single bed
However, before you set off, there is only one thing left for • dumó - end of the bread, heel
you to do, because, as you are aware, you are visiting the cra- • dunyha, dunna - very thick blanket stuffed with feath-
dle of the Hungarian language. In addition to the map, you ers (down)
will also need a real county dictionary, since, for example, • dzsindzsa, dzsumbuj - dense forest with scrub
according to dialect researcher Samu Imre’s statement in • elgór - hide something that one cannot fi nd later
1963, the Hungarian language is spoken most beautifully in • elsinkófál - take away, steal something, or slyly withhold
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. Here are some terms and some information
expressions that people only understand here, the rest will • fagyó - freezer
be explained in person... because you are coming, aren’t you? • fángli, fakli - mason’s pan
• abajgat - drive away, chase, bother, harass • felmérő - test paper in school
• ajnároz - adore, praise • feszt - constantly, all the time
• blaha - durable, strong, load-resistant heavy iron plate