Page 19 - csongrad2023
P. 19
The gastronomy of Szentes has many unique parts. Many
dishes are prepared here that are unknown in other towns.
Such a dish, for example, is the csíramálé (wheat germ pud-
ding), a special meal cooked from wheat germ. In the past, A litt le piece
wheat germ pudding was considered a Lenten meal. Th is
delicacy, rich in vitamins, is a favourite during the winter
months. In Csongrád-Csanád County, it is best known in of home
Szentes and in Csongrád.
Th e Rózsa (Rose) strudel of Mórahalom is considered to
be the king of pastries in Homokhátság. This is true, because
this strudel was only served on major holidays.
One such holiday was Christmas, when the members of the
family prepared this delicacy together before it was put on
the festive table. Every ingredient of this traditionally made
strudel was found in every family’s home, and the making of
the strudel was passed down from generation to generation.
Th e Vásárhely wedding pretzel is a small, salty pastry typi-
cal of the Great Plain, including Hódmezővásárhely. Th is
easy-to-make and crunchy delicacy is a great success at wed-
dings and gatherings alike.
Th e dill and cottage cheese pie is considered a real classic
dish, which is prepared by housewives using the local “Szentes
aroma” variety.
The Angel wings, or twisted donuts, are an important deli-
cacy of the carnival season. The preparation of the popular
delicacy is not at all complicated, because there is no need to
knead the dough and let it rise; only the ingredients need to be
mixed, and the delight can be enhanced with jam or fruit stew.