Page 13 - Debrecen 2022
P. 13
Debrecen is one of the special towns whose name is con- ties of Debrecen - whole sauerkraut, fresh cheese, Mangalica
nected to a “fl avour”. The Hungaricum Debrecen double sau- sausages - but also enjoy the authentic market atmosphere.
sages can be tried in dozens of variations at the Zamat (Fla- And all these things are found in the city centre, only a few
vour) Festival, while we can choose from the delicacies of the minutes’ walk from the main attractions. If you would like to
best restaurants and bistros of Hungary at the Debrecziner fi nd out how the ingredients come together into a menu typical
Gourmet Festival. of Debrecen, from the pork rib soup to the Debrecen stuffed
However, the list of festivals dedicated to fl avours is not com- cabbage, you can choose from several restaurants offering tra-
plete yet! Cosy open-air festivals with concerts and children’s ditional fl avours. The gingerbread-fl avoured Debrecen cake is
programmes are organized; in the spring, it is a Mangalica pig- the cake everyone must taste!
themed festival, in the summer, we can enjoy the turkey, beer Many trendy street food bars and bistros offer culinary delights
and wine festivals, while in the autumn, the goose and the Deb- to those who appreciate speed. In Debrecen, gastronomic
recen double sausages play the key roles. A visit to the Great programmes offering special and great delicacies provide an
Market in Debrecen is an experience one should not miss! The opportunity to revisit the town in every season of the year.
real gourmets cannot only taste the ingredients of the speciali-