Page 13 - Csongrád 2021
P. 13
Albert Szent-Györgyi isolated a highly reducing, antioxi- fi gure of Hungarian ethnography in the 20th century. He
dant substance from the adrenal gland, and determined its was one of the greatest figures of 20th century Hungarian
structure later. In the spring of 1932, in his Kálvária Square ethnography and folklore. His main research areas were the
laboratory in Szeged, he proved with his colleagues that this ethnography of the Great Plain and Szeged, and the religious
was the vitamin C itself, for which he received the Nobel Prize folk traditions.
in Medicine in Stockholm in 1937. Thanks to the work of Dr. Péter Berezk, an ornithologist and
János Csonka, an inventor born in Szeged, is an outstanding medical doctor, the White Lake Bird Sanctuary was estab-
person in the history of Hungarian technology. Th e many lished. He donated his huge collection of photos and birds
hundreds of millions of gasoline engines currently in use still to the Ferenc Móra Museum.
have a carburettor, the basic idea of which was created by The work and legacy of the photographers Illés Plohn and Jó-
Csonka, together with Donát Bánki, and they were the fi rst to zsef Plohn is unique. In Hódmezővásárhely, valuable heritage
have it patented. József Galamb from Makó also gained world was created during the 75 years while the first photo studio
fame; he was one of the creators of the famous Ford T-model. was operating. The glass negatives record the fairground at-
Sándor Bálint, an ethnographer born in Szeged, was a key mosphere of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.